Special Olympics British Columbia - Campbell River

Organization Mission Statement

Special Olympics BC - Campbell River is dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities through sport.

The organization serves the following population

Youth and Adults with intellectual disabilities. For the past 35 years SOBC Campbell River has prided itself in providing quality opportunities for training and competion for our now 130 athletes. Our athletic opportunities foster an inclusive community that celebrates the diversity and abilities of our athletes. Through our local programs, our athletes celebrate accomplishments and acceptance. They are provided an opportunity to cultivate friendship and self confidence. Through our local programs many of our athletes feel empowerment and learn the skills necessary to overcome life obstacles.

The funds donated will be used to

We offer year round programs for our Athletes - this money will go towards paying for our weekly bowling programs and our weekly swim program. Our bowling programs run 2 days per week from Oct.1st. to March 31st. We have 45 - 5 pin bowlers and 30 - 10 pin bowlers. Most of whom play 3 games. We also offer swimming two evenings a week at a cost of $88.00 per week. This donation will go directly towards the cost of our weekly programs. This will have the maximum impact on the athletes we support.

All monies raised by SOBC-Campbell River go directly to our local athletes for weekly programs and competition within British Columbia. The costs associated with National travel is the responsibility of our Provincial organization and any International travel is the responsibility of our National organization.

The organizations current sources of funding are

70 % of the monies raised for our local programs come from our annual Howie Meeker Special Olympics Golf Classic. We have been fortunate to receive a Gaming Grant. We believe strongly that the Athletes need to feel involved and not develop a sense of entitlement, so, through out the year, we co-host a few smaller fundraisers - like the Knights of Columbus walk-a-thon, we are involved with the Blues festival at Spirit Square, the occasional Hot Dog Sale, we also have received some private donations. The majority of our athletes are on a very limited income, fundraising makes it possible for us to offer the maximum number of programs and competitive opportunities for our Campbell River Athletes.


Visit their website for more information: specialolympics.bc.ca


This nomination has been reviewed by the 100 Women Who Care committee and meets all criteria.